Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Authors Who Blog

If you're a fan who wants to follow the goings-on of your favorite writers, or a writer looking for insight into the craft, you can find that and much more on many authors' blogs. Here are a few that I've found and follow.

The LadyKillers. This is a rotating, collaborative blog of (mostly) female mystery writers. Current writers include Diana Orgain, Ann Parker, and Mary Anna Evans.

Author, Jody Hedlund. Hedlund offers great business advice to writers. Her topics range from writing query letters to getting an agent to using the Internet for self-promotion.

Inkygirl: Daily Diversions for Writers. YA writer Debbie Ridpath Ohi keeps us entertained with random and humorous posts, and my personal favorite, original comics.

Rhys's Pieces. Mystery author Rhys Bowen keeps fans abreast of her activities, and muses on various topics.

History Buff. Historical-fiction author Michelle Moran blogs about archaeology finds around the world, and interviews other historical-fiction authors.

Sisters in Crime. Another collective blog that's geared to help female mystery writers with both the craft and the business of writing.

Cara Black's Blog. Mystery author Cara Black blogs about Paris, the setting for her Aimee Leduc series.

What authors' blogs have you found or follow? Share them here!

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